Sweet children, you will go from the Brahmin clan into the elevated clan
of Vishnu, so you must become true Vaishnavs. Do not eat anything
impure such as onions etc.
Which examination should you children not be afraid or confused about?
If, while moving along, something happens to that old shoe (body), if
there is any difficulty or you become ill, you must not be afraid or
confused but, you should be even happier, because you understand that it
is the suffering of karma, that your old karmic accounts are being
settled. If we are not able to settle them with the power of yoga, then
they are settled through the suffering of karma. It is good if they are
settled quickly.
Our pilgrimage is unique.
Om Shanti
Incorporeal God Shiva speaks. He only has one name. “God Shiva speaks”.
You have to say this in order to explain and in order to instil firm
faith in them. The Father has to say: I am as I am. My name never
changes. The deities of the golden age take rebirth. The Father explains
to you children through this body. You are on a spiritual pilgrimage.
The Father is incognito and Dada is also incognito. No one understands
that the Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, enters the body of Brahma.
The children are also incognito. You all say: We are the children of
Shiv Baba and we must claim our inheritance from Him. We must follow His
shrimat. You have the faith that He is our Supreme Father, Teacher and
Satguru. These are such sweet things! We are students of incorporeal
Shiv Baba; He teaches us Raja Yoga. God speaks: O children, I teach you
Raja Yoga. A mayor would not say: O children. Even a sannyasi would not
say that. It is only the Father's duty to say "children". You children
also understand that you are the children of the incorporeal Father and
that you are personally sitting in front of Him. You are Prajapita
Brahma Kumars and Kumaris. People become confused if you do not use the
name Prajapita. They think that Brahma is a deity, a resident of the
subtle region and they wonder how he can be here. They say: Salutations
to the deity Brahma, salutations to the deity Shankar, but then they
also call them gurus: Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, but Vishnu and Shankar
are not gurus. They think that he spoke the story to Parvati and is
therefore a guru. Vishnu is not a guru either. In the golden age,
Lakshmi and Narayan do not become gurus. People have also made Krishna
the great guru, the God of the Gita. However, God is only one. You
children have to prove this matter. You are the incognito army. You
conquer Ravan, that is, you become conquerors of Maya, and so conquerors
of the world. Wealth is not called Maya; wealth is called prosperity.
So, the Father explains: Children, death is just ahead. These are the
same words that were spoken 5000 years ago. Instead of the words,
‘Incorporeal God speaks’, they have inserted the name of corporeal
Krishna. The Father says: The knowledge you receive at this time is for
your future reward. Once you receive the reward, there is no need for
knowledge. This knowledge is for changing from impure to pure.
There is no need for anyone to adopt a guru in the pure world. In fact,
only the one Supreme Father, the Supreme Soul, is the Guru. People call
out: O Purifier come! Therefore, you should also explain that He alone
is the Supreme Guru. Rama is remembered as the one who grants salvation
to all. So, He would surely come when everyone has become degraded.
There, it is the ocean of milk, the ocean of happiness; the river of
poison does not exist there. If Vishnu lives in the ocean of milk, then
surely, his children would live there with him. You now belong to the
Brahmin clan, you will belong to the Vishnu clan in the future. They are
complete Vaishnavs. People do not offer impure things like onions etc.
to the deities. You are to become such deities once again, and so you
must renounce all of that. This is the confluence age. It has been
explained that you Brahmins are at the confluence and that the rest are
in the iron age. Until you become Brahmins, you will not understand
this. The Father says: I come at the confluence of the cycles. They do
not understand that this is the confluence, that the world is being
transformed. People even speak about this, but they do not understand
how it changes. They simply speak through the lips. You understand very
well that only by following shrimat will you become elevated. You must
remember the Father. Together with the body, forget all bodily
relations. Baba sent us here without bodies. We have to return in the
same way. You came here to play your parts. This is incognito effort:
Remember the Father and the inheritance. You repeatedly forget this. By
forgetting Baba, you are slapped by Maya. There is the play about
Aladdin's lamp. Allah (God) established the first religion and
established Paradise. He clapped and received heaven. Who is
establishing this religion? God established the first number religion.
There is also the play of Hatamtai; Maya comes to you when you do not
put a bead in your mouth. This is also your state. You forget the Father
and continue to remember everyone else. You children now understand
that you are returning to the land of peace and that you will then go to
the land of happiness. Make effort to forget the land of sorrow. All of
this is to be destroyed. It should not remain in the intellect that you
are a millionaire or that you are this. You came naked, bodiless. That
is an old body. That old shoe has caused you a lot of sorrow. The
greater the illness, the greater should be your happiness.
You should be dancing. It is the suffering of karma; the karmic accounts
have to be settled. Do not be afraid of this. You should understand
that, since we are not able to have our sins absolved through the power
of yoga, we have to settle them through the suffering of karma. There is
nothing to be confused about. This body is old, it is good if it
finishes quickly. Your bhatthi of seven days is also very well known.
Understand everything clearly for seven days and enable your intellect
to imbibe it and you can then go anywhere. You will continue to receive
murlis; that is enough. Remember the Father and continue to spin the
cycle. Become swadarshanchakradhari within seven days. People have
readings of the scriptures for seven days; seven days are well known.
They have also given seven days for the Granth. A bhatthi is also for
seven days. It should not be that you ask anyone who comes, to come for
seven days; you should also feel the pulse of the person. Some become
afraid when they hear about a course of seven days. They think: What
will happen if we are not able to keep it up? And so they go away.
Therefore, look at the person. Feel the pulse of everyone. First, find
out for how many days they will come. If you tell them about the seven
days straight away, they get frightened. Some are not able to give seven
days. Some surgeons and herbalists simply feel your pulse and then
diagnose what illness you have. This is your imperishable Surgeon of
knowledge. You children are master surgeons. This is the sacrificial
fire of the knowledge of Rudra. You say that a person can claim
liberation-in-life in a second. Some people even ask: Since
liberation-in-life can be claimed in a second, why do you ask for seven
days? Just tell something of a second. They get frightened and say that
they will not be able to stay. This is why you should first feel their
pulse. The same things do not apply to everyone. Many children cause
disservice. Feel the pulse when they are filling in the form and ask
them: For how long will you be able to come? You must ask this. Achcha.
Is there one God for everyone? What relationship do you have with the
Supreme Father? First you have to explain about this. He is the Father
and we are His children.
The Father gives the inheritance. He is the Creator of heaven, so you
should receive the inheritance of heaven. It is now hell. Bharat was
heaven, the master of the world. It was then the kingdom of the deities,
but Maya snatched the kingdom away. Now, once again, you must conquer
Maya and reclaim the kingdom. The destruction of the old impure,
iron-aged world is just ahead of you, so the pure world surely has to be
established. A little signal should be given and then, as they progress
further, they will understand these things. If not today, they will
come tomorrow. Where else would they go? There is only the one shop to
receive salvation. There is only one shop of Shiv Baba, the Supreme
Father, the Supreme Soul. Liberation-in-life is received in a second.
See how the shop is! You are the salesman of such a shop. If a salesman
is good, he also claims a good status. Sense is needed in order to be
able to sell. What service can anyone who does not have sense do?
Firstly, instil faith in them, and then speak about seven days. Oh! The
Father has come to give the inheritance! Bharat was the land of
happiness, but it has now become the land of sorrow. Then, how does it
become the land of happiness? Who creates it? You first have to show the
path. We souls are residents of the land of peace, and later we come to
play our parts. Now, the Father says: Children, you have to return
home. By remembering the Father, your sins are absolved. Your wings for
flying have been broken, they are being mended and you will return to
Me. The Father is the One who comes and changes us from shells into
diamonds. This is a very great income. By remembering the Father, you
will become free from disease for 21 births. By remembering the cycle,
you will become ever healthy and wealthy. You are neither of those now.
You are numberwise; Maya eats up weak ones very quickly. Then, as you go
further, you will remember. The rulers come at the end and the
sannyasis etc. also come. You daughters and mothers have shot the
arrows. Accurate temples have been created here. There is a temple to
the kumaris.
They do not understand the meaning of ‘half-kumari’. Those who remain in
a household and become Brahma Kumaris are called half- kumaris. A
kumari is a kumari! A complete temple has been built as your memorial. A
cycle ago too, you did service in this way. You should be so happy that
your examination is so great! God is the one who is teaching you. (A
party from Delhi took leave from Baba.) All the children are returning
well refreshed. However, it is numberwise. Those who understand well
will explain to others very well. The children understand that Baba is
incognito and that Dada is also incognito. You too are incognito. No one
else understands this. Brahmins (priests) too do not understand. You
can explain: You are born through vice, whereas we are mouth-born
progeny. You are impure and we are becoming pure. We are the children of
the Father of People, so we surely belong to the new world. Do the
deities of the golden age belong to the new world or do those brahmins
belong to the new world? Brahmins are the topknot.Is the topknot(Brahmin
clan) higher or is the head (deity clan) higher? They have made Shiv
Baba disappear from that image. You children understand that the Father
is the Master of the garden of flowers. Ravan is not called the Master
of the garden. Ravan creates thorns, whereas Baba creates flowers. This
is the jungle of thorns. They keep causing sorrow for one another. The
Father explains: Do not cause sorrow for anyone. If you speak in anger,
there is one hundred-fold punishment; you become sinful souls. Severe
punishment will be received. If, after giving a guarantee that you will
become a helper of the Father, you do disservice, there will be very
severe punishment. If you perform any sinful act after becoming a child
of Baba's, you receive one hundred-fold punishment. Therefore, if you
have courage, follow shrimat. Become Narayan from an ordinary man. Don't
have the consciousness: It's OK if we become subjects. No, this is a
huge rosary. There is a large margin. You should not become
disheartened. You might fall, but be cautious next time. Don't allow
yourself to become disheartened. This is the one and only shop where you
can claim liberation- in-life from Shiv Baba in a second. Achcha.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love,
remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The
spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for Dharna:
1. In order to claim a high status, be a good salesman in Shiv Baba's shop. Feel the pulse of each one before giving knowledge.
2. Do not speak harmful words under the influence of anger. Having given
a guarantee that you will become a helper of the Father, do not perform
any act that might cause disservice.
May you accurately follow shrimat at every second and be honest and faithful at every step.
Only those who move along according to the signals of shrimat in every
action are said to be honest, that is, trustworthy and faithful souls.
Honest souls, every second, every step move along accurately according
to BapDada’s shrimat with which their divine intellects are filled from
the moment they take their Brahmin birth. Some things work automatically
with just a signal with the power of science, you don’t have to make it
work – whether it is with light or through vibrations, as soon as you
switch it on it continues to work. Similarly, honest souls always
continue to move naturally with the power of silence.
Where there is worry, there cannot be rest or comfort.
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